Authors: Euaggelos Dragonas (University of Peiraeus)
The number of Xiaomi’s connected IoT devices is growing extremely fast [1]. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that is highly likely for Xiaomi IoT devices to become silent witnesses in a crime scene investigation. Not only law enforcement officers, but also incident responders and the rest of the DFIR practitioners should get familiar with the artifacts that can be obtained from the examination of such devices. To this respect, potential sources of evidence in the Xiaomi IoT ecosystem will be presented. The challenges faced during this research will be addressed, as well as the methods used to overcome them.
Takeaways of this talk
- Learn where evidentiary data might be located in the Xiaomi IoT Ecosystem (smartphone
application, network traffic, cloud, IoT device) - Learn what kind of artifacts can be retrieved from these sources and how they can be
correlated - Brief presentation of the aforementioned artifacts