DFRWS Code Of Conduct

Participants in the DFRWS Community are expected to meet the standards for behavior detailed in this Code of Conduct in all their interactions.

DFRWS is committed to providing a safe, nurturing, harassment-free environment for everyone involved with our conferences, regardless of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, socio-economics, physical appearance, marriage and civil partnership, occupation, political affiliation, creed, religion or belief.

As an organization, DFRWS will seek appropriate opportunities to promote participation and inclusion among traditionally underrepresented communities in digital forensics and related fields.

DFRWS encourages healthy debate and probing questions, and expects differences in opinion.

If the subject matter of a presentation or discussion includes materials that could be considered offensive or inappropriate, clear warning and ample time must be given to allow participants to choose not to participate.

In order to foster collaboration within our dynamic community and provide a friendly forum for the productive exchange of ideas, it is essential that DFRWS participants treat each other with courtesy and respect.

Please keep in mind that our greatest strength is in our diversity as an organization and that by focusing on our common interests we can serve a greater purpose and form stronger bonds than by allowing our differences to distract us.

DFRWS will not tolerate discrimination or harassment of participants in any forum, including online and at conferences, and in any form, e.g., speech, imagery, gestures or written communication. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Anyone who violates these principles may be asked to leave the forum or venue without a refund at the sole discretion of DFRWS conference organizers.

If you experience or witness a violation of this code of conduct, please inform Event Staff or one or more of the DFRWS Board of Directors: https://dfrws.org/board

Please keep in mind that our greatest strength is in our diversity as an organization and that by focusing on our common interests we can serve a greater purpose and form stronger bonds than by allowing our differences to distract us.

Breaches in the Code of Conduct may result in a lifetime ban.

We appreciate your cooperation and value your involvement.