Title: How to instantly put cutting edge technology to use – Efficient cooperation between academia and law enforcement using Griffeye Connect
Presenters: Frida Landin, Fredrik Hultin, Andreas Eriksson, Gunnar Johansson, Griffeye
Time: 14:00-17:00
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this workshop you should be able to:
- Use Griffeye Connect to implement technology of your choice as plugin in a widespread
off the shelf product - Set up and use plugins in Griffeye Analyze through Griffeye connect
- Distribute your plugins and access others using the Griffeye portal
Target Audience Skill Level:
Programming: Intermediate
Griffeye Analyze: All levels
Child sexual abuse investigations today deal with tremendous and ever-growing volumes of data as well as an everchanging technology landscape. In addition to this many organizations have growing case backlogs. It is unreasonable to think that these caseloads could be handled manually therefore powerful forensic and analytic tools are needed. Griffeye Analyze is used worldwide in more than 80 countries by investigators, forensic examiners and analysts to help them attack this in a smarter and more efficient way. Analyze helps protect mental health amongst officers, to cut through the data and to find and rescue victims as well as take down criminals.
To deal with all these challenges it’s important to have a flexible and agile workflow. We believe that an open platform is an integral part to achieve this. As no one is strong on his own, sharing knowledge and technology is a key factor in combating this issue.
With this in mind we have developed the API called Griffeye Connect to make it easy to extend Griffeye Analyze with new innovative ways of processing material, adding more intelligence or interconnecting with other systems. Anyone with some programming skills can use Connect to create plugins. It can be used to run tiny plugins or scaled out on many machines for heavy duty operations. By using Griffeye Connect the threshold to get new cutting-edge technology out in the field is significantly lowered. We have made it possible to easily share your plugins and access plugins built by others on the Griffeye portal.
There could be many reasons why one would want to create a plugin. It could be to try out a new idea, a one-off job, a long-term investment in doing something new or more efficient. You could also use Connect to extend Analyze for country specific reasons or to share information with existing systems. Every country also has its own solution and infrastructure to enable national cooperation and information sharing as well as its own toolset. Connect makes it possible to tailor Analyze to the specific law enforcement organization needs.
In the workshop we will introduce you to Griffeye Connect and to Griffeye Analyze. The emphasis will be on hands-on plugin creation. The aim is that you after the workshop should be aware of the potential in Griffeye Connect, feel confident to build your own plugins and be up and running.