We invite contributions in five categories: research papers, presentation proposals, panel proposals, workshop proposals, and demo and poster proposals.
RESEARCH PAPERS: Research papers must be original contributions, not duplicate previous work (including the authors’ own work), and must not be under simultaneous publication review elsewhere.
The review process will be “double-blind” (reviewers will not know who the authors are, and authors will not know who the reviewers are). Therefore, the version submitted for review must not contain the names or affiliations of the authors, and should anonymize content that readily identifies the authors, such as references to tools developed by the authors. When referring to their own previous work, authors should use the third person instead of the first person (i.e. “Smith and Jones [2] previously determined…” instead of “We [2] previously determined…”).
Papers must be written in English and must not exceed 10 single-spaced, two-column pages with 1 inch margins and 10pt font. This page limit does NOT include references, although references should be limited to one page to the extent possible. Papers must be submitted as PDF files. The preferred reference style is Harvard. Authors may use the IEEE style, and it will be converted by the publisher.
Accepted papers will be required to utilize the provided Microsoft Word Template or Elsevier’s LaTeX template (elsarticle class with the “5p” option, which does not include numbers in section headers). Authors are encouraged to use these templates for the submission version as well. Last, please minimize submission file size, while maintaining reasonable graphics quality. Most submissions tend to be 3MB or less. Higher resolution graphics can be added/included during the final proofing process.
Authors MUST present their work in person at the conference. At least one registration per paper is required by the deadline specified in the Call for Papers in order to be included in the proceedings. Authors shall register for the conference prior to submitting their final draft for publication. At the conference, authors of accepted papers will be given 25 minutes to present their work, followed by 5 minutes of questions.
Submit research papers via EasyChair by January 24, 2020 at 23:59 using the Anywhere on Earth (AOE) convention.
PRESENTATIONS: 15 minute presentations (followed by 5 minutes for questions) showcase forensics experiences of interest to DFRWS attendees, including (but not limited to) case studies and advances in user interface, real-time analysis, and triage. Presentation proposals are not included in the printed proceedings and should not be anonymized. Presentation proposals undergo a modest reviewing process to make sure they are of interest to the community. Sales pitches will not be accepted. Presentation proposals are in the form of an abstract (150-300 words) in PDF format. At least one author per presentation is expected to register and present their work in person at the conference.
Submit presentation proposals to usa-presentations@dfrwsbackup.0452fd5.netsolhost.com by March 15, 2020.
WORKSHOPS / TUTORIALS: Technical workshops and tutorials are 2 or 4 hours, and typically include hands-on participation by attendees, allowing for an in-depth, detailed exploration of tools and techniques of interest to DFRWS attendees. These take place on the Sunday afternoon preceding, or the Wednesday afternoon following the main conference. Workshops and tutorials can cover state-of-the-art research projects, useful tips and techniques for standard tools, or most anything that DFRWS attendees would consider beneficial. While commercial tools can be used, these workshops or tutorials should NOT be thinly-veiled commercial advertisements. Each workshop receives one free registration.
Submit workshops and tutorials to usa-workshops@dfrwsbackup.0452fd5.netsolhost.com by March 15, 2020.
DEMONSTRATIONS/POSTERS: DFRWS welcomes demonstrations of proof of concept and research-based tools. Proposals should describe the tool, its relevance to the forensics field, and space/equipment needs (e.g., table size, power, networking, etc.). DFRWS also welcomes high-quality posters that highlight key points of completed or ongoing research projects. Poster authors who wish to qualify to have an abstract printed in the printed proceedings must submit a PDF of the poster (for review purposes; minor modifications thereafter are permitted) and the proposed abstract, written in English, limited to 300 words, by the appropriate submission deadline listed in the Call for Papers. Demonstration providers and poster authors who do not wish to have an abstract included in the printed proceedings may submit their poster or demonstration request through the first day of the conference.
Submit posters with abstracts to usa-demos@dfrwsbackup.0452fd5.netsolhost.com by March 15, 2020.
Demos and posters without abstracts can be submitted to usa-demos@dfrwsbackup.0452fd5.netsolhost.com until the first day of the conference.
PANEL PROPOSALS: These should be one to three pages and clearly describe the topic, its relevance, and a list of potential panelists and their biographies. Panels will be evaluated based on the topic relevance and diversity of the panelists.
In addition to the above, the conference features a work-in-progress session where any conference attendant can present their ongoing work for five minutes.
Submit panel proposals to usa-panels@dfrwsbackup.0452fd5.netsolhost.com by March 15, 2020.
DEADLINES: All deadlines are at the end of the stated day at 23:59 using the Anywhere on Earth (AOE) convention.